Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hola! Random thoughts.

Haven't had much to update about lately in regards to beta, since I haven't been playing a lot. I've been trying to avoid seeing TOO much stuff before release, because I want some of it to be fresh when it all actually means something. At least, as much as any of this shit can mean. Philosophically? I dunno. Video games are stupid.

I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that WAR sucks. I base this not upon any personal experience, playtime, or even research. It just sucks because it isn't WoW. Aren't I a great impartial observer?

Truly though, WAR will probably never be the game for me. I've just never been much of a PvP type. Against all odds, I'm too nice to be a ganker. If someone slaps my alt around, I'll be on my 70 and camping them until they log as fast as anyone, but I don't go out of my way (even a little bit) to kill someone. A game that is based around PvP with (reportedly) shit for PvE content just won't ever hold my interest.

Lake Wintergrasp - I basically know nothing about this shit, so don't ask.

I AM, however, looking forward to Lake Wintergrasp. You'll notice that I've commented exactly not at all on this particular new feature of the expansion, and that's for good reason. As quickly as I tire of PvP shit anymore, I want this place to be fresh and new when I get to 80 and start fucking around there. Five mans and (to an extent) raids I will run repeatedly in beta because I know I'll run them repeatedly on live. I don't get tired of those, so I don't care as much that I see them early. That said, I'm also avoiding the Eye of Eternity and the Obsidian Sanctuary for the same reasons. :>

Sartharion - Onyxia 2.0 except not really.

One thing I have noticed, however, is that I don't seem to get tired of the opening zones. Hellfire Peninsula, at this point, makes me want to shoot myself in the face. Felboars aggroing from 7 miles away, quest objectives halfway across the zone, dodging Fel Reavers, those goddamn slimes at the Pools of Aggonar (you know, the ones that dismount you instantly EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.), running back and forth from the Mag'har village, having to bug people to help you finish Cruel's Intentions or Natural Remedies, the list goes on. Both Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra have been fun the several times I've done them (trying out different classes for a level or so in a desperate effort to find out what the fuck I want to play). They're linear (a good thing), quests are easy to chain together in areas, and the content is varied. I can see still enjoying these places a year and a half down the road when I take a new alt through them.

What else? Oh yeah, short rant. Anyone who says that resto shaman have mana troubles (keep in mind, I only refer to PvE) at 80 is fucking retarded. I've seen post after post on the beta forums pleading with Blizzard to address the non-existant efficiency issues the spec has, and it's infuriating. It's a case of people still playing like it's TBC, with the same gear, enchants, and playstyle, not acknowledging even for a second that things might have changed - and they HAVE. The spec is much more reliant on crit now for mana regen. All that haste on Sunwell gear, so useful at the time, is wasted now, as it really WILL make you run out of mana faster. MP5, healing, and crit, in some as-of-yet-unknown optimized combination, is the way to go.

Icecrown - Good one, Arthas, set your walls on fire. That'll help.

That's about it for now. I'll do my best over the next couple days to knock out the remaining 5-man reviews. I've also got a few other things in mind to post over the coming weeks as Wrath draws close to release, so stay tuned.
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