Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This is the end.

Beautiful friend, the end.

This is the end. My only friend, the end.

Of our elaborate plans, the end.

Of everything that stands, the end.

No safety or surprise, the end.

I'll never look into your eyes... again.

Can you picture what will be?

So limitless and free.

Desperately in need of some... stranger's hand.

In a... desperate land...

It's been a long, tumultuous ride. Hundreds of boss kills, thousands of pieces of loot, players coming and players going, drama that would make most quit, etc etc etc.

Attumen the Huntsman, Moroes, Maiden of Virtue, the Karazhan Opera, The Curator, Shade of Aran, Netherspite, the Chess Event, Prince Malchezaar, Nightbane, High King Maulgar, Gruul the Dragonkiller, Magtheridon, Doom Lord Kazzak, Hydross the Unstable, Fathom-Lord Karathress, Doomwalker, Leotheras the Blind, The Lurker Below, Morogrim Tidewalker, Void Reaver, Al'ar, Lady Vashj, High Astromancer Solarian, Prince Kael'thas, Rage Winterchill, Anetheron, High Warlord Naj'entus, Supremus, Shade of Akama, Kaz'rogal, Nalorakk, Akil'zon, Jan'alai, Halazzi, Hex Lord Malacrass, Zul'jin, Azgalor, Archimonde, Teron Gorefiend, Gurtogg Bloodboil, Reliquary of Souls, Mother Shahraz, the Illidari Council, Illidan Stormrage, Kalecgos, Brutallus, Felmyst, the Eredar Twins, M'uru, Kil'jaeden.

Now, it's time to head north. It's also time to change classes again. Henceforth, you'll get to hear things from the point of view of a (badly played) Death Knight.

Goodbye Outlands. Hello Northrend. See you there!

(Hands up, everyone who thought this was an "I quit" post.)


Anonymous said...

My hand's down... I'm also kind of impressed that I managed to avoid being in every single one of those screenshots.

(except maybe the kael SS in shatt)

Ekera said...

Bullshit, you're in the Turncoats pic, clear as day.

But just for you!