Sunday, August 17, 2008

Months Behind

Or so they tell us.

Welcome to my blog. People who know me will know that I love to hear myself talk - whether it's explaining a strategy for a boss, "yelling" at someone who's fucked up, or simply yammering about some stupid shit that I think is hilarious and everyone else simply humors me for. I was told by someone very near and dear to me that the natural extension of this would be to put together someplace where I can blabber my jaded little heart out. At the same time, while I've got this space reserved anyhow, I can attempt to be informative and opinionated; the latter, I have extensive experience with; the former might take some work.

So, who am I? Well, insofar as this blog is concerned, I am Ekera. I've been playing World of Warcraft since approximately January of 2005. I was an officer and raid leader of a small, severely drama-ridden guild on the Silver Hand server for a few months in mid-2005. Once that fell apart, I rerolled on the Maelstrom RP-PvP server as an orc shaman. I joined what would eventually become Kor'kron Warband in Dec. 2005 and started raiding with them soon after. By early April 2006, I was promoted to officer - primarily because, according to the one and only guild leader we've ever had, Xavier, I was the guy who explained the fights in Ventrilo. I've been helping to lead (I use the term very loosely) this misbegotten, raiding-challenged pack of mongrels ever since.

Who am I personally? Doesn't really matter. Some personal details about myself might slip out from time to time, but only as they pertain to game shit. To 90% of the people I've met in Warcraft, I am some dude on the Internet who talks a lot. So to anyone reading this blog who doesn't already know me, I'll be roughly the same.

How about the purpose of this blog? Well, the blurb at the top sums up what my general aims are, but to go into a bit more detail, this blog will:

- Catalogue some of the more interesting/humorous/inane events from my time playing World of Warcraft.
- Present my own perspective as an officer of a guild that has, against all odds, persisted for 2-1/2 years.
- Explore the term "casual raiding." What does it really mean? Is it really possible? Or are we just kidding ourselves?
- Examine changes in the game, both through patches and expansions, that have changed the face of raiding and the game over time.
- Allow me to run my stupid fucking mouth about shit that is meaningless and/or of very little tangible benefit to anyone.

So, I think that covers most everything. I'm still not sure whether this is a good idea, whether it'll run for a week or a year, and whether it'll be of interest to anyone. However, as the Joker put it so succinctly, "I believe: That which doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger."

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