Friday, August 22, 2008

New zone, new level of awesome

So far, the sights in Northrend have been spectacular. Each time they've opened up new stuff I've gone and done some heavy duty exploring. So, when the new build came out last night and I found out it included The Storm Peaks zone being ready, I went flying up to take a look. All I can say is... wow.

From what I can tell, the vast majority of the zone requires a flying mount. The lower, southern parts of the Peaks can be accessed from Crystalsong Forest via a ground mount, but eventually you simply run into unscalable cliffs, and have to wing your way up instead. Plus, as you'll see, there are several places where you have to fly way... WAY up.

Then, there's Ulduar. That's what I'm flying into/around from the 5:30 mark of the following video onward. A Titan city like Ulduman in Khaz Modan and Uldum on Kalimdor, this one, unlike them, is fully intact and not buried underground.

Enjoy the video. If you can, download the full version (180ish MB). Fullscreen is worth it.

High Quality Download here!

1 comment:

Jillian (Norana) said...

The whole zone looks amazing... but Ulduar... wow. Very nice vid, Ekera. Watch your head next time though (I lol'd). :)