Friday, September 12, 2008

Beta 2, Us 0

The oft-interesting thing about beta is that it's unfinished. Shit breaks, sometimes spectacularly. Instability is a fact of life. Sometimes you think things are perfect, only to have them fall completely apart. Actually, this sounds remarkably like dating a woman for any significant period of time.

Regardless, this is how beta is. You get used to it, because there's no alternative. In exchange for getting to see new content months before anyone else, you're expected to test it, break it, trash it, and then explain to Blizzard what you did so they can fix it.

Crystalsong Forest goes haywire

Even knowing all that, however, it's very easy to get frustrated when things simply refuse to go your way. Take our attempts at Naxxramas.

We've got enough of us in beta that we can put together a pretty solid Naxxramas 10-man run using the PvP premades. We had one scheduled for Wednesday evening, only to have surprise maintenance and a new beta patch preclude that occasion. So, we reschedule to tonight.

First up was an old friend, Anub'rekhan.

Anub'rekhan back in '06.

Anub'rekhan in '08.

It's both surprising and amusing that 8 of the 10 people in tonight's raid were present at our guild's first 40-man Anub'rekhan kill almost two years ago. Goes to show that, while we might suck, we're consistent.

In any case, first pull of the evening was going fine... until the instance server crashed at ~70%.

After waiting for roughly 30 minutes for things to sort themselves out, we zoned in, cleared trash again, and were just about ready to pull him when... the instance servers crashed again.

Ok, well, one more go? After retrieving a few people who had been mysteriously ported to Dalaran and reclearing trash again, we were doing fine and dandy... until the server crashed again around 20%. SIGH.

Nostalgia factor was high, though, and while the fight is incredibly easy compared to its old 40-man counterpart (which was itself easy compared to later fights in the zone), it's absolutely awesome to get to see Naxxramas again.

Even if the servers hate us.

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