Saturday, September 13, 2008

Icecrown: The End of All Things

Well, if Blizzard is going to mimic Lord of the Rings, I'm certainly going to do a little thievery for the title of this post.

After a lot of anticipation, Icecrown is finally open, and while the quests are still questionable in places, there are plenty of placeholder models for NPCs, and bugs abound, the views are fucking amazing.

The standout things in the zone are, naturally, the three gates. Companion to Angrathar: The Wrath Gate in Dragonblight, we have Mord'rethar, Aldur'thar, and Corp'rethar. It's like Blizzard took Tolkien and multiplied it by 4. Plus, there's a quest that involves poking out a giant, all-seeing eye. Sound familiar? Wholesale BORROWING aside, however, this zone is amazingly done.

My only complaint, and maybe this is for lack of finding the damn thing, but... where's the Frozen Throne? I couldn't find it in my flying around. Hopefully it's just tucked away somewhere that I haven't looked yet, off the beaten path since Arthas has a much more imposing place to hang out now. Speaking of...

Icecrown Citadel is far, FAR more impressive than the Black Temple, definitely befitting the abode of the end boss of the expanson. While not quite as monumentally astounding as Ulduar, it still very much catches the eye.

Anyhow, videos! Here's the YouTube, and below is the high quality link, which you should go to and download. The file size is almost twice as big as the last one (350MB this time), but it's rendered very close to in-game quality. Besides, on broadband, 350MB is fucking nothing. Stop being a pussy.

High Quality Download here!

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